Thursday, June 6, 2013

L.A. Colors Nail Polish In Atomic Nail Polish Review

 I got this polish at my local dollar store for $1.99 and Its such a pretty color its a bluey green color! Im having a hard time figuring out this color. The first thing I noticed is that it is so sheer. It goes on really smooth and dries really fast. Its a creme finish but also a jelly like finish aswell! It didnt go on fully opaque its like jello and after 4 coats I gave up trying to get full color pay off. I would recommend this polish id like sheer jelly polishes! I finally got smart enough to stand infront of a fan to dry my polish..if you read my previous post its been raining here in my part of FL for over a week and nail polish doesnt dry for me if its raining!
4 coats!
the huge air bubble!
One coat
one coat!


  1. I have this polish was well and its really opaque, but I find starting with a white coat as the base helps with the color pay off.

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