I went out shopping, not knowing what I was looking for and found Sally Hansen Gem Crush Mini's. I Love mini polishes because I don't ever use a regular sized bottle up and I personally think they are overpiced! I got these at Big Lots for $3.00, and it includes Big Money, Be-Jeweled, Bling-tastic, & Lady Luck! If you love opaque glitter polishes you will love these! They were easy to apply. They dried very fast! I did have to add a top coat because they all dried matte except for Bling-Tastic it dried satin! They were mostly opaque in 2 coats! I was able to paint one coat then wait 30 seconds and paint the next! Down side is they are a pain to get off! They average around $7 dollars for the full size bottle in my area!
Big Money - Th is a champagne micro glitter with larger rosy - lavender round glitter in a clear base. The round glitter looks amazing paired with the champagne color micro glitter. They are the perfect combination! This one dries with a satin finish. It is opaque in 2 coats which is rare for a glitter polish. It usually takes at least 5 for me! These are the colors i go for when I buy polish so this one is my favorite!
Big Money |
Be-Jeweled - This is a lilac micro glitter with larger rosy-lavender round glitters that shine silver and red in a clear base. This one is my least favorite of the 4. I'm not crazy about purple polish! This one is opaque in 2 coats. This one dries matte. I had to add a top coat.
Bling-tastic - This one is the oddball out of the 4, it is a blue glitter that is bigger than the others with even bigger silver hexagon glitter in a clear base. The silver glitter is the biggest! Not sure why the glitters in this one are so much bigger! With that being said this one SPARKLES in the sun! This polish is the prettiest in the sun! One down side is you don't get alot of the silver hexagons in it so you might not get some on alot your nails! The only problem I have with this one is on applying the 2nd coat some of the glitter catches on the 1st coat! If you love polishes that sparkle and shimmer, then this one is a must! Its like a diamond in the sun! This one was opaque in 3 coats!
Lady Luck - This one is a dark fushia micro glitter with larger round hologram glitter in a clear base! This one is the one that is the most eye catching just because of the holo glitter in it and there is alot of it!
This one is pretty in the sun aswell just not as sparkly! This one was opaque in 2 coats. You get alot of the holo glitter on your nails! So if you love Hologram glitter you'll love this one!
Lady Luck |
I went a little crazy and took a lot of photos which you can find below!
Big Money, Be-Jeweled, Bling-Tastic, Lady Luck |
On my nails! |
Be-Jeweled |
Bling-Tastic |
Big Money |
Lady Luck |
Big Money |
Lady Luck |
Bling-Tastic |